about bgc

network of advancement

The Black General Counsel 2025 Initiative was founded in the summer of 2017. Co-Founders (and Black General Counsel) Ernest Tuckett and April Miller Boise assembled an Advisory Council of prominent Black General Counsel and other leaders to formalize the Initiative.

In 2018, the Advisory Council created the “Ideal Core Criteria” for large company GCs, and created a Profile Form for Black lawyers to self-identify as “ready now” for large company GC roles. On the Profile Forms, they provided detailed information about their experience and background. We received many Profile Forms from very impressive candidates seeking to be in the pool of GC candidates in the Initiative.

In early 2019, the Advisory Council selected the First Cohort of candidates in the Initiative who met the Ideal Criteria for Fortune 1000 GC roles. A group of 34 people were selected as the First Cohort from the many Profile Forms submitted. The First Cohort consists of Black lawyers in various leadership roles, such as current and former General Counsel (including regional and divisional GCs), Chief Counsel over various areas of large legal departments, Deputy General Counsel, and other corporate leadership roles. Throughout 2019, the First Cohort participated in training sessions and received mentoring and instruction from Fortune 500 General Counsel, Fortune 500 Board Directors, executive coaches, executive recruiters, and other prominent business leaders.

The Advisory Council wants to continue to identify and help prepare Black lawyers who are equipped and qualified to become General Counsel of large companies, and ultimately bring those lawyers to the attention of executive recruiters and prominent GCs who can help them reach the GC seat. If you are an aspiring Black GC, please review the Ideal Core Criteria on the homepage, and if you believe you are ready for a Fortune 1000 or equivalent GC role, click the Apply button and submit the requested information about your experience.